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The photographs in this gallery are taken using lenses from the past, they were all designed to work with film.


As a collector of old cameras and lenses I do like to use them, and shooting with Olympus cameras it is simple

to mount the oldies to my camera. As I shoot on M43 the focal length will be X2.

This page is being updated with lens usage weekly.


The collection of lenses are.


Enna Munchen 28mm f3.5 Ultra-Lithagon

It is said that 1950 production of the first generation of ENNA 28 / 3.5 was the largest aperture wide-angle lens; as indicators of the lens 28 / 3.5 from silver to black zebra mirrors were produced several different versions. 


The Meyer-Optik Görlitz Trioplan 100 2.8 is a fast telephoto lens that is renowned for its twirling bookeh and a certain image glow. The Meyer-Optik Görlitz Trioplan 100 2.8 is highly valued by collectors as it represents a milestone for telephoto lenses. It can therefore be quiet expensive compared to other lenses in its’ focal length. Built in 1952


Olympus 200 mm f4, This lens just feels so right!  Mine isn't stellar at f4 but stopped down to 5.6 its as good as they come. I can't stop using this lens! Just the right working distance with head and shoulder shots to be discrete. Brilliant for isolating subjects.  The build quality is a revelation after the  modern plastic stuff. If you are thinking about buying one and enjoy manuel focus just do it!

Nikon 50mm E Series

It’s not the fastest production lens, even from Nikon standards (that would be the 50mm f/1.2 AI-s) it built well? 

The key strength is the somewhat decent optical performance that comes in a compact size and light-weight package.

Built in 1979 


Zuiko 75-150mm f/4.0 This is Olympus first zoom lense and possibly one of the best selling one as it has been offered as the sole lense type in the Zuiko lens system which can trace back as early as 1974.  I mostly shoot with primes however this little baby has become one of my favourites.


Olympus 500mm Mirror lens,  Incredibly compact and light, presciently suited for m43 system! Great lens for the amature picture man who cannot affort thousands of Rands for big tele lens, however sharpness is not great.

Year of manufacture 1982


Schneider Tele - Xenar 360mm f5.5, This lens is large and heavy, manufactured in 1954. I am awaiting more info on this one.


Steinhell Munchen Cassarit 50mm f 2.8, Thanks to the 12-bladed aperture, this lens has a beautiful bokeh, the subjects located outside the depth of field are shown with highly circular features. This feature will be appreciated by professional filmmakers and photographers taking portrait photos. Built in 1951.


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