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Every Moment is a Memory

Every Camera Has A Story


I started collecting cameras in 1997, my first purchase was a Nikon S2, little did I know that this was the start of a new passion.


I am a professional photographer based in Knysna South Africa, I have always had a passion for old cameras, however the collection only started in 1997.

Collecting cameras is a great link to the past that anyone with an interest in photography can appreciate and if you buy only working cameras then go use the thing once you have bought it. In this day and age of digital instantness it is wonderful to load film, calculate exposure, focus and wait for your films to come back from the lab... and you might just be amazed at the results film creates.

Unfortunately, many old cameras have been left sitting around in less than ideal conditions and have deteriorated to the point where they won't work anymore. Except for the high quality professional cameras or rare and valuable collectibles it isn't economical to pay a professional technician to repair them. 


Ian Fleming


South Africa


Tel: + 27 044 3826138


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